Business & Mental Health

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Our Sincerest Condolences


The Power of Adaptability

The Power of Adaptability


Adaptability can be defined as the ability to cope with unexpected situations. The events of last year brought to light the long-standing reality that, whether it be in the context of organisations or personal circumstances, it is key to survival. Our ability to adapt as a species is the main reason we find ourselves at the top of the food chain. In the words of Charles Darwin: “it is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent…it is the one that is most adaptable to change.” 

Beyond survival, what are the benefits of being adaptable? 

It strengthens your emotional resilience. Adaptability and resilience are closely related. Resilient people persevere, even when the going gets tough. If you are able to cope with an unfamiliar situation, you are more likely to see it through to the end. Not only is the act of completion fulfilling, but you also fortify your resilience. 

You will learn more. If you see life as an everyday opportunity to learn something, you will expand both your personal and professional growth. This makes every experience an impactful and meaningful one, no matter how big or small. 

It is a skill your leaders will appreciate. A standout quality for many bosses is not just intellectual capacity or talent – but good crisis management skills. If you are able to respond in a calm and purposeful way when presented with a challenge, it is more than likely that your leaders are taking note. In the same vein, the perception applies top-down as well: this is an aspirational quality that those working under you will appreciate. 

To read more about leadership in times of crisis, click here.

How, then, can you make the conscious choice to become more adaptable? 

Manage your expectations. Accept the fact that there are many things outside of our control. As a result, you will spend more time thinking about life as something that happens for you, instead of to you. 

Do not conflate fault with responsibility. It is easy to blame our circumstances or other people when life throws us a curveball, and while it is important to acknowledge and process when something bad happens, it is even more important to understand that we are in charge of our destinies. In others words, while something may not be our fault, it is our responsibility to take action. Adapting this mindset provides the next step after acceptance. 

Improvise. While it is always good to plan ahead, it is important to practice spontaneity as well. Those with the ability to make decisions in the moment are more likely to cope with disappointment better, because they understand that not everything is within their control. Making spontaneous decisions also helps keep your mind sharp. As with all things in life, the more you practice this, the sharper you become, and the better you react to an unexpected scenario. 

Practice the three types of flexibility. Organisational psychologist and leadership development expert, Stephen Zaccaro, developed a three-pronged adaptability framework: 

  1. Cognitive flexibility: the ability to use different thinking strategies and mental frameworks

  2. Emotional flexibility: the ability to modify one’s approach when dealing with one’s own emotions, and the ability to look at a situation through a different lens 

  3. Dispositional flexibility: the ability to maintain a balance between being optimistic and realistic 

Think of examples of when you would need these different types of flexibility, and make a conscious effort to improve each. 

Become an independent problem-solver. When you’re confronted with a challenge, think of different solutions, and different ways of arriving at those solutions. In this way, when unexpected challenges arise, you will be better equipped in dealing with them yourself before having to consult others.


Psychology Today. 2021. Learn How Adaptation Is a Key to Embracing Change and Growth. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 19 February 2021].

n.d. Adaptability: Responding Effectively to Change. Greensboro: Center for Creative Leade


Organisational Change: How to Cope with Restructuring at Work

It is understandable to experience a range of thoughts and feelings during a period of change. For example, you may have doubts about your ability to transition into a new role for fear of personal failure, or may be unwilling to adjust to the new processes due to fear of the unknown. However, it is possible to manage these thoughts by reorienting your mindset – in so doing, you may find that you are not just surviving the change, but thriving despite it. 

Here’s how you can cope (and perhaps, even flourish) during periods of change: 

Separate your thoughts and emotions from those around you. A study carried out by Facebook confirmed the existence of ‘emotional contagion’, wherein exposure to positive or negative emotions from those within your vicinity – whether in person or from your social circles online – results in you exhibiting similar emotions. While a period of change may signify consequences for everyone, be mindful that you are not subconsciously absorbing the anxieties of those around you. Such emotions, when combined with your own, may drain you and impede your ability to make good decisions. 

Empower your colleagues. Amidst the collective anxiety and stress, maintain a positive outlook with your colleagues. You do not have to be in a management position to help boost the morale of your team. Show your gratitude for their hard work by letting them know you’re thankful for the project they’re helping you with, or the extra hours they are putting in. Not only are you lifting their spirits, but you are also setting an example for others to follow suit. 

Seek independent support. Whether you confide in a loved one or a mental health professional, it is always good to express your thoughts and feelings to those outside of your organisation, as they can provide emotional support while maintaining objectivity. 

Book a session with one of our licensed psychologists at any time to get the support that you may need. 

See the period of change as an opportunity to stand out. Bosses often see an obstacle as a chance to gauge how their team members rise to the occasion. Create an action plan for yourself, outlining your goals within the organisation, how you plan to achieve those goals and a timeline of when you plan to do so. Sit down with a member from the Human Resources department, or schedule a meeting with your direct supervisor to discuss your plan. While you may need to manage your expectations with regards to what they will be able to accommodate, seeing you take initiative with your career will be much appreciated. 

Creating an action plan also includes your financial security. This can be daunting but necessary to make ends meet. Working out your budget and developing cost-effective habits can cut back spending and provide a cushion for you in emergency situations. 

To read more about how to devise an effective savings strategy, click here:

The next step is to become valuable within your organisation. For instance, you can make recommendations to HR regarding possible mental and physical wellbeing programs that can be implemented to help assist employees during periods of structural change, or volunteer to take on some of the work being shouldered by an overloaded colleague. 

Ultimately, change and uncertainty is inevitable. Acknowledging changes, processing how you think and feel about them and then taking purposeful and strategic action will not only enhance your professional development, but your personal growth as well. 


The Guardian. 2021. Coping with stress: a survival guide to restructuring and redundancy at work. [online] Available at: <>


How to Encourage Innovation in Your Team

How to Encourage Innovation in Your Team

1_How to Encourage Innovation in Your Team

Innovation means constant improvement. 

Why should companies care about encouraging innovation in their people? 

Innovation allows a company to differentiate themselves from the competition, not just in improving their products, services and processes, but also in improving its people. An innovation-driven organisation empowers employees to get creative, and brings to light the best talent.

So how can you implement this at the workplace? 

Incorporate  a non-hierarchical management approach. Innovation is often brought about by cross-pollination between teams and departments, and from elaborating on ideas and finding solutions to problems together. If staff only think about innovation when specifically asked to do so, this won’t maximise their potential. Thus, it is necessary to encourage proactivity and to build the habit of problem-solving. 

How can you start implementing this? Encourage them to solve problems before escalating them. A common issue leaders face is when a team member escalates a problem without thinking for themselves first. This can waste your time and deprives them of the opportunity to independently solve the problem. Innovation shouldn’t just be a one-off, occasional exercise – it should be part of a daily routine. 

Champion innovation in everyone. Innovation should not be limited to management. It is a skill that should be developed by all members in an organisation, from top to bottom. Each member of a team has a unique take on a given topic and having a platform where one can share thoughts and ideas can create momentum for creative process and innovative thinking. 

Encourage open communication. Creating a space where they can express their ideas also helps boost employee morale and motivates them to keep performing well if they can see that their managers are not only encouraging ideas, but also actively listening and possibly implementing their suggestions. In his book, “Hell Yeah Or No,” Derek Sivers points out that what could be obvious to you, may sound amazing to others. Thus, encourage open communication in your team – it may lead to some groundbreaking ideas. 

Teach your employees to not fear failure, because it is an opportunity to learn and grow. If your team is operating in an environment that looks down upon and penalises small mistakes, this subsequently discourages them from thinking innovatively from fear of compromising their work performance and disappointing their bosses and team mates. Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey asserted that, “If we’re not making mistakes, we’re not trying hard enough.” Thus, teach them that failure is inevitable, and to make their learning process productive by identifying what went wrong, how they can improve, and implementing these improvements when a similar situation arises. 

Reward innovators. While the innovation process in itself is rewarding, make sure that you recognize your team’s efforts. This will strengthen employee satisfaction and help maintain the innovative culture. 

It is important to note that the drive for innovation may not be a linear path to success. Remember that all big innovations are not formed overnight but rather, start with a single idea followed by strategic steps and commitment to the end goal. 



Fournier, A., 2021. 16 (EFFECTIVE) Ways to Encourage Innovation in the Workplace. [online] Braineet. Available at: <>

Makarov, I., 2021. 9 Ways Your Company Can Encourage Innovation. [online] Entrepreneur. Available at: <>


How To Make Happiness A Habit

How To Make Happiness A Habit


Hedonic adaptation describes the tendency for humans to begin adjusting our expectations when something good happens to us. While certain things or events make us happy for a while, we eventually start taking them for granted. 

Thus, we have to consciously rewire our minds in order to achieve long-term happiness. How can we start building those habits today? 

See your happiness as a marathon and not a sprint. Things or activities that make us feel good in the moment are sometimes unhealthy for us. For instance, after the initial high of binge eating sugary and processed foods, you may suddenly feel guilty and remorseful. There may also be negative consequences down the road if this impulsive behaviour continues, such as elevated levels of cholesterol or diabetes. All types of addiction follow the same path. If we focus instead on building and nurturing a meaningful life, we can achieve a more enduring happiness. When we nurture relationships, do meaningful work and contribute to our  community, we can feel good about ourselves. Long-lasting contentment may not match the intensity of a momentary high, but it is certainly deeper and more fulfilling. This mindset can help us get through tough times, such as when we face health or financial challenges. 

Have a solid support system. Research has shown that authentic relationships with partners, friends, families and coworkers can make us happier. Having loved ones that we can turn to when things aren’t going well gives us a sense of security and hope for the future. While it is important to self-validate, their validation goes a long way in helping to build up our resilience. Focus on deepening your relationships with those you genuinely care about, and those that genuinely care about you. Support them as they support you, and be open to being vulnerable. Nurturing relationships takes time, and there will be times when these relationships bring forth challenges of their own. Remember that the best things in life don’t come easy. 

Cherish good moments. Our brains are wired towards negative bias. We care more about surviving than we do about our happiness, which means good moments are often easily overlooked or missed because we are preoccupied about life’s many matters. Thus we need to make the conscious choice daily to focus our attention on the positive events or moments of the day, such as a thoughtful note your spouse left in your packed lunch, or the cute neighbourhood dogs you got to pet during your morning jog. We can always extend enjoyment of these special moments – or tuck them away for enjoyment at a later time – through photographs, videos and social media. 

Know what it means to be in control. When circumstances in our lives are not within our control, we have a harder time finding happiness. Take stock of everything in your life that you do have control over, such as your thoughts, feelings, decisions, and the goals that you set for yourself. Then distinguish them from factors outside of your control, such as the pandemic, how others see you and the economy. Once you’ve done this, you will paint a clearer picture of what you can work on to improve and achieve. 

Try new things. If we try to keep everything the same in our lives, it may work to limit our happiness. Without challenges, we may experience feelings of discontentment and a general sense of lacking direction. Human beings are designed to be productive, and our brains naturally seek new challenges. Give in to and explore your curiosities. Feeding the mind with new information is another way to achieve happiness.


The Power of Setting Small Goals to Achieve Big Results

The Power of Setting Small Goals to Achieve Big Results


It is important to be able to set both big and small goals. Both involve different methods of planning, strategies and a different mindset. But what is the biggest challenge of setting big goals? It is not the setting itself that is the issue for most people. In fact, most people feel inspired and excited. It is the sustained motivation and energy required to achieve them. Setting the bar too high could overwhelm you to the point of demotivation, and discourage you from even getting started in the first place. So while you should keep on dreaming big, break that goal into smaller milestones, as they are much easier to follow through on. Slowly but surely you will bear the fruits of your labour. 

What are the benefits of setting smaller goals? 

They keep you focused. If you set goals that are too far off into the future, it is easy to set them aside on a daily basis. It is much easier to focus on what you have to do today or this week than it is to focus on what needs to be done in a year’s time. 

They encourage action. Ran Kivetz, a researcher from Columbia University, conducted two parallel studies involving coffee-shop reward cards. In the first study, for every ten purchases of coffee, the customer would get one for free. In the second, the customer would also get a free coffee, but after twelve purchases. However, this time, the reward cards had two stamps that were already earned. While both needed the same amount of coffees to avail of the freebie, it was found that customers tended to fill up their cards faster in the second study. This is because they felt they were already making progress towards their goal. With smaller goals, you more easily get a sense of progress, and thus feel more encouraged to keep working. 

They form habits. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for something big to develop, working on a consistent basis to get one step closer to reaching your goal. Therefore, in order to achieve our goals, we cannot rely solely on our motivation to get there – we also need to form good habits. For instance, if you want to be able to write 3,000 words per day for a book you eventually want to write, break it down to writing 100 words daily first. As this becomes a habit, that smaller goal becomes progressively easier to achieve, and you can adjust your goals accordingly until you finally reach that 3,000-word goal. 

With all that said, having the desire to set goals is already a big step, so you should be proud of yourself for taking initiative!


The Benefits of Physical Activity on Your Mental Health

The Benefits of Physical Activity on Your Mental Health


You are probably already familiar with the physical benefits of exercise: to name a few, weight control, a lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, and increased energy throughout the day. However, there are also numerous psychological benefits that are brought about by physical activity that are also invaluable. 

The benefits of physical activity 

It acts as a sleep aid. Even short sessions of a physical activity can help regulate your sleep patterns. An increase in body temperature can help calm the mind and allows you to fall asleep quicker. Exercise can also help regulate your circadian rhythm, which is our body’s internal clock that determines our sleep-wake cycles. If you prefer to exercise at night, you can try more energy-efficient exercises such as yoga. 

It acts as a boost for your self-image and confidence. The physical benefits of a sustained exercise regimen translate into psychological ones: for instance, losing weight and increasing muscle tone will give you a boost in self-esteem and confidence. So even if an aesthetic goal is not what you’re after, it may just happen and you will begin reaping the benefits before you even realised your body has undergone significant physical changes. 

It reduces anxiety. Exercise naturally relieves tension and stress due to the feel-good chemical it stimulates in the brain. The more mindful you are, the bigger the benefit. Enjoy the sensation of movement, the rhythm of your breathing or the feeling of cool air against your skin. Incorporating mindfulness into your routine can help better distract from the constant barrage of worries that is currently bothering you. 

It reduces stress. Physical activity relaxes the muscles and helps release tension in your body. An increased heart rate stimulates the production of neurohormones, which improves mood but also helps you think more clearly. Exercise also requires the body’s central and sympathetic nervous systems to communicate with one another, which also contributes to the body’s ability to handle stress. When facing challenges in life, exercise provides a healthier alternative to more harmful outlets, such as alcohol and drugs. With a combination of different outlets in your arsenal, such as exercise, art and a strong support system, you can do whatever you set your mind to. 

It can alleviate depression. A recent study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for just fifteen minutes a day (or walking for an hour) reduces the risk of major depression by 26%. Research also shows that having a consistent exercise regimen can reduce the risk of relapse. This is because it promotes favourable neural growth in the brain, reduced inflammation and activity patterns that create those feelings of calm and tranquility and a general sense of well-being. Endorphins are powerful hormones secreted within your brain that also help boost your energy. At the very least, exercise serves as a distraction which allows you to momentarily escape from negative thoughts and life’s challenges.

It empowers the brain and keeps it young. Exercise helps prevent memory loss by strengthening the hippocamus, the region of the brain that controls our memory and learning. Studies also show that physical activity boosts creativity – you never know, that fifteen-minute jog could remove your frustrating writer’s block.

It is clear that the body and mind are closely linked – what benefits the body is likely to benefit the mind, so see exercise as hitting two birds with one stone! 


How to Manage the Feeling of Being Overwhelmed at Work

How to Manage the Feeling of Being Overwhelmed at Work


We become overwhelmed at work, mostly because we take on too much at any given time. The pandemic has forced companies to make drastic changes to the work environment and this has added to the typical level of work stresses that we are used to. Suddenly, there is more uncertainty and you may feel powerless or on edge. While you may not have control over those things, there is something you do have control over: your mindset and a good work strategy.

Work smarter, not harder

Sometimes, we are so anxious to get started on a task knowing that there is a lot of work involved, that we forget to be more strategic with our time. We end up working harder, for longer hours, and sometimes, to no or little avail. Take a step back and know your outcome and plan your priorities. Come up with a plan that will allow you to work smarter, not harder. For instance: there may be someone on your team better suited to completing a task than you are. Ask your colleague if you can divide the task, or if he is able to accommodate taking on the project fully. The result is a completed task of higher quality, and more time for you to spend on other deliverables.

Establish boundaries

Know when it is time to stop. We are conditioned to believe that more time spent on something means more output, but that is not always the case. You may reach a point of burn out, at which you are no longer being productive. Make it a rule to establish boundaries that work for you. For example, you can tell yourself: “If work ends at 6pm, I will switch off my work notifications at that time and only address work-related queries and concerns when the next work day begins.”

Ask for help

When you are feeling overwhelmed, know that you can turn to your colleagues or supervisors for assistance of guidance. If you approach your manager by saying, “I believe I have a lot on my plate at the moment, and I would appreciate your inputs on how I could better manage my time and/or do this project more efficiently and effectively.” It shows you are proactive, open to constructive feedback, and are always willing to adapt to improve your work.

Self-care is key

Besides these strategies, do not forget the basics: in other words, eating properly and at the right times, taking breaks, engaging in physical activities and (safely) socialising with others. After all, at the core of your productivity and motivation is your mental health and happiness.

Business & Mental Health

Apply for an Internship at Mind You

Apply for an Internship at Mind You

We are excited to announce an invaluable opportunity for aspiring psychometricians and psychologists.


Applications close on December 1, however recruitment will be on a rolling basis so we strongly recommend that you apply earlier.

Send your resume and cover letter to, addressed to Rea Celine Villa, MAP, LPT, RPsy, Senior Psychologist.

Business & Mental Health

Why Filipino Companies Should Encourage Employees to ‘Speak Up’

Why Filipino Companies Should Encourage Employees to ‘Speak Up’


A company that fosters and protects the mental health of employees will provide a workplace that is conducive to productivity. Mental health plays an important role in society, including workplaces.

Throughout the years, employers are slowly learning why mental health advocacies are equally important in the workplace. Protecting the mental well-being of the employees can provide new ways for them to work more efficiently, which will also provide a good profit for the company.

During the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses and companies turned for the worse. The sudden change in the work environment has made some employees feel distressed and overwhelmed. Companies should encourage their employees to speak up and voice out their feelings and thoughts. Why is awareness of mental health crucial?

Mental Health Numbers

Mental health has become a burdensome health concern across the globe. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that depression is a common mental health disorder, affecting about 264 million people. It is also considered the number one cause of disability across the globe, and a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.

In the United States, nearly 1 in 5 adults who are more than 18 years old, have reported mental illness in 2016, which is equivalent to 44.7 million people. Further, about 63 percent of Americans are part of the U.S. labor force and the workplace can be an important venue for activities that can improve and promote well-being among employees, including those that tackle mental health issues in the workplace.

In the Philippines, mental health issues are becoming key topics, particularly anxiety and depression. Reports say that 1 in 5 Filipino adults suffer from a form of mental illness. Mental health Philippines law has been enacted, and it also includes promoting mental health in the workplace.

Why Speak Up?

Employees should combat depression and loneliness, which can greatly impact their jobs, in many ways. At work, they should speak up about irregularities and stressful work policies that affect their productivity. Employers need to know the mental health status of their employees.

For companies to become mental health aware, they need to listen to the concerns of their constituents, including the problems they encounter at work. With a proper forum to discuss these issues, employees are helping everyone to release tension and anger, promoting good well-being.

All these actions are a win-win situation for the company. They will have more productive employees and at the same time, the financial burden of absenteeism or fast employee turnover will be reduced.